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About NAXSA Membership
The focus of NAXSA is to provide its valued members with the tools and resources to help them and their businesses achieve success and recognition as leaders in the industry. Valuable benefits of being a NAXSA member include discounts to attend the annual convention and exhibit, sponsored events, committee and board meetings as well as access to top-notch training and certification programs.

  • We help you build relationships with similar shoring rental companies, government officials and regulators, suppliers, and other industry stakeholders.
  • We help you develop and implement engineering best practices.
  • We help by providing products and services that promote safe excavation shoring practices.
  • We help you provide your employees with a standardized training curriculum delivered by qualified instructors.

Members will find it easy to communicate and benefit by staying connected through the NAXSA website. A user name and password will be assigned to members in order to gain access to the member-only sections of the website.
Membership Options
Regular Member

A company (US/Canada/Mexico) that is engaged in the manufacture, rental, or sales and distribution of excavation shoring equipment.

*Based on revenue derived from the excavation shoring industry.

Company Revenue* Annual Membership Fee
Up to $2,500,000 $1,300
Up to $5,000,000 $2,000
Up to $7,500,000 $3,300
Up to $10,000,000 $4,500
Up to $15,000,000 $6,500
Over $15,000,000 $8,400
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Associate Member

A company that supplies regular members with shoring industry products or materials.

*Based on revenue derived from the excavation shoring industry.

Company Revenue* Annual Membership Fee
Up to $1,500,000 $1,300
Up to $2,500,000 $2,000
Up to $5,000,000 $2,600
Up to $7,500,000 $4,600
Over $7,500,000 $6,500
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Industry Affiliate Member

An individual or company that supplies regular members or associate members with professional services such as engineering, consulting, accounting, or insurance.

*Based on revenue derived from the excavation shoring industry.

Company Revenue* Annual Membership Fee
Up to $250,000 $1,000
Up to $500,000 $1,300
Up to $750,000 $2,000
Over $750,000 $2,600
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Continuing Member (Individual or Organization)

An individual or company that has extensive background in the excavation shoring industry but does not qualify for any of the above categories and is approved by the board of directors.

Category Annual Membership Fee
Individual $325
Company/Organization $650
Join As Individual    Join as Organization
Government Agency Member

An individual who is employed by an agency that oversees, directs, or has responsibility for regulations and/or field installation of excavation shoring operations in North America.

Annual Membership Fee - $195

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Guest Non-Member

Create a free NAXSA profile as a Guest Non-member to receive newsletters and other e-mail communications from NAXSA.

No Charge

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Teamwork and success are built on a foundation of equality. 

NAXSA strives to provide equal opportunity for all employees and volunteers and is committed
to providing a work and association environment free of discrimination.

NAXSA Anti-Harassment Policy | NAXSA Equal Employment Opportunity Policy